By Charles Wafula Okado


Leave and Overtime Management system works online and is to aid employees at Esitron Company Ltd to efficiently apply for the leave and receive approval report faster than before with better report propagation and proper record keeping. The HRM will be able to compare the annual reports of the previous year and make of which type of leave was taken most and which was taken least as the system will produce the comparison of all the leaves taken at the end of the year. The system will also aid the managers to delegate the duty of approval and disapproval of the leaves to any of the staff in the department for the continued delivery of the services in the absence of the managers. Incorporation of SMSs in the system enhances it over the previous as the users will receive notification much faster than before. Managers will be notified through the SMSs about the leave application. Overtime is also included as it contributes towards the compensate leave.