1. Quality training, research and dissemination of computing, ICT knowledge and skills
  2. Excellence in performance as a basis of assessment
  3. Fair competition, transparency and honesty
  4. Embracing internationally accepted practices in operations
  5. Sustainability in operations


To engage in the discovery of new ICT knowledge and skills for addressing sustainable socio-technical and computing concerns nationally, regionally and internationally


  1. To develop human resource with modern skills in Computing and related fields at proficiency Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate levels
  2. To produce competent ICT graduates and Entrepreneurs capable of competing locally and internationally
  3. To harness acquired ICT knowledge through research, scientific and technological innovations and undertake technology transfer to end users
  4. To participate in consultancy, creation, incubation, transmission, preservation and embrace property rights policy
  5. To foster linkages with industry, institutions and other stakeholders for enhanced and sustainable livelihoods