The education sector over time had experienced numerous computer cybersecurity challenges. These challenges made them became an easy target for the cybersecurity criminals. Nowadays, most of the secondary schools in Kenya had been equipped with computers and computing devices. Most of these schools had internet connectivity too making them vulnerable to cyber-attack. The vulnerability was also as a result of them lacking resources and attention to cybersecurity due to cybersecurity challenges they experienced. They had weak application security systems, weak endpoint security systems, and weak patch cadence. The study aimed at establishing the computer systems cybersecurity challenges in secondary schools in Kenya. The study was done in West Pokot County. From the finindgs- staffs were allowed to carry their computing devices to the schools, and they connected them to the schools’ network in order to access internet; there was no segmentation of network to allow staffs have their own separate network access; some schools had IoT devices with no network segmentations; most schools lack data recovery plan, means to provide endpoint security, means to provide mobile security and means to provide website security. Lack of finance and budget, IT personnel, and user awareness contributed largely to these challenges. By establishing the computer systems cybersecurity challenges encountered, the secondary schools therefore, will find a solution to address them especially by looking at the contributors to the aforementioned challenges.