The universities worldwide are struggling to use e-learning technologies to solve the current situation created by pandemics. The universities in Tanzania found themselves with no option but to make use of e-learning like any other public university in the world to support students away from them. There are various e-learning technologies, and according to the various studies reviewed, universities use an amalgamation of e-learning technologies to support the teaching and learning processes. These technologies disorient the users when they want to integrate them during the teaching and learning process. The study adopted a case study design based on the University of Dar es Salaam. The study applied stratified sampling techniques to group the students based on the year of study and simple random sampling was used to get a sample of 392 based on the strata. A questionnaire was used as the tool to get data from the respondents. The findings of this paper will be essential in identifying the most effective e-learning technologies based on the preference to support the learning process.