Doctoral Liminality and Responsible Conduct Practices in Doctoral Research

KIBU Authors

Owoche Patrick Oduor


The complexities of doctoral experiences in many postgraduate schools have become insurmountable. Many doctoral students are facing numerous challenges in crossing the concept thresholds along the path towards achieving doctorate degree. With the experience of doctoral studies compared to rite of passage, many doctoral students face periods of confusion and disorientation hence the liminal period in pursuit of doctoral degree. Many doctoral students may find themselves engrained in ethical doctoral research challenges, issues, and dilemmas on a regular basis This paper looks at how doctoral liminality influences responsible conduct practices in doctoral research at Kibabii University, Kenya. The research engaged 13 doctoral candidates and 7 faculty members to evaluate the influence of doctoral liminality on responsible conduct practices in doctoral research. Data collection tools were validated at a content validity index of 0.83 while reliability index was 0.896. Descriptive (mean, frequency percentage and standard deviation) and inferential (in particular, regression) analyses were used. Findings indicate that doctoral liminality has statistically significant influence on responsible conduct practices in doctoral research. This should help higher education stakeholders to reassess the existing ethical research policies and execution frameworks. University managements are advised to pursue exemptional awareness and scrutiny on implementation of ethical practice in doctoral studies.