Kibabii University is the 23rd Public University in Kenya and is committed to high quality teaching, research, and extension services to create value to her stakeholders. The University considers Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as its flagship programmes and purposes to be a Computing Research and Innovation Centre (CRIC) /hub in East and Central Africa. The vision of the University is to be a global University for Research, Innovation and Technology. To achieve this, it requires improved ICT infrastructure to enhance digital acceleration and empowerment of the Youth. High Performance Computing facility was required to enable students and researchers perform simulation and modelling. Other facilities required were: mobile computing, digital forensics, CISCO professional laboratory, and video conferencing and data centre. To achieve this the University required funding beyond its normal capitation. To raise the additional funding the University responded to a call for Funding by National Research Fund. After approval and disbursement of the funds the implementation of the Project was initiated. An engineering design approach was adopted. This paper highlights some of technical issues that were faced during the Implementation of the projects. The project was successfully implemented and Commissioned by the joint team. It awaits fully exploitation for benefits of job creation and youth empowerment