Information Technology Research in Developing Nations: Major Research Methods and Publication Outlets

KIBU Authors

Franklin Wabwoba
Anselimo Peters Ikoha


The multi-disciplinary nature of Information Technology has brought many methods of research with it. This has left many Information Technology specialists whose background is from the rigid scientific disciplines in a dilemma. The paper distinguishes Information Technology research from computer science research. It highlights where emphasis of research in Information Technology needs to be placed. There has been a general shift in Information Technology from focus being strictly technological to social, managerial and organizational in nature that have put demand on Information Technology researcher to acquire knew skills. The paper differentiates the emphasis between Information Technology research and computer science researcher. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches have become handy in this field of study. The most common research methods action research, case study, Ethnography, experimentation, Grounded theory, secondary method, and survey are discussed in this paper clearly giving the applicability. Important consideration and weakness of each method from the information technology perspective are discussed in this paper. The findings outlets for the field are also mentioned.