Knowledge and Practice of Responsible Research Ethics among Doctoral Students and Alumni: A Case Study of Kibabii University, Kenya

KIBU Authors

Owoche, P. O.


Adherence to principles of responsible conduct in researchis at the heart of doctoral supervision, and lack of it severely affects the quality and credibility of such study outcomes. Very few studies have investigated the level of knowledge and practice of responsible research ethics in institutions of higher learning in Kenya, a gap this study sought to address. The objective of this study was to investigate the knowledge and practice of responsible research ethics among doctoral students and Alumni at Kibabii University, Kenya. To realize its objective, the study conducted a cross sectional survey using a structured questionnaire to gather relevant information from 25 doctoral students and Alumni of the University. Data obtained was analyzed descriptively. Results indicate 48% of respondents were not knowledgeable about University’s Research Ethics Committee. The majority (54.2%) of the respondents lacked prior training in responsible conduct in research. The study recommends the need for the University to regularly sensitize doctoral students on the existence and roles of the various established institutions in the research process. Training for doctoral students in all areas of responsible conduct in research is critically necessary.