Leading the World towards the 4th Industrial Revolution through Virtual Reality

KIBU Authors

Professor Franklin Wabwoba


he fourth industrial revolution is characterized by the convergence of various technologies including the Internet ofThings, Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality among others. This revolution is shaping how people live,interact, and share information. Virtual Reality (VR) is one of these technologies that are revolutionizing the world. VRtechnology enables individuals to immerse themselves in a virtual world using special headsets, gloves and computers and hasseen its application in several sectors hence improving productivity and do things that could have proven difficult or impossible.This paper explores the evolution of VR technology, its current state, and its application in real life. Through its application, thepaper reviews how it has already been applied in industries like entertainment, medicine, education, automotive and others tochange how things are done. By using VR, organizations can increase their productivity and give customers a better userexperience, increasing sales and profits. Health and safety issues, ethical considerations and costs are also reviewed in this paper.There is a need for collaboration between content creators, developers, policymakers, and researchers to come together andutilize the full potential of this technology while addressing the current challenges.