Technology-Enabled Self-directed Learning in Developing countries: Adoption Framework

KIBU Authors

Prof. Samuel Mbugua
Peters I Anselemo


: 21st century-learning approach is characterized by self-directedness and the ability to learn anytime, anywhere. Self-directed learning heavily depends on Technology to be effective. Most universities were used to conventional face-to-face learning, but uncertainties like the covid-19 pandemic have challenged this teaching and learning mode, thus pushing universities to explore innovative learning approaches to ensure seamless learning. One such approach is Technology-enhanced self-directed learning. Most developed countries are endowed with enabling infrastructure to actualize this learning approach. However, most developing countries like Kenya are still struggling to adopt self-directed learning due to technological, organizational, and environmental challenges. A framework is needed to guide its adoption. A survey research design using an online questionnaire with a sample size of 572 was used. Four Kenyan public university students participated in the study. Data was collected and analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis. Principle component analysis extracted seven factors explaining a total variance of 62.5%. The factors were renamed based on a shared theme, and the average factor loading for each construct was calculated. A percentage weight of each construct was also calculated. Key factors forming the constructs of Technology-enhanced self-directed learning were: E-learning infrastructure, bring your own device policy, Connectivity infrastructure, ICT Competencies, Information security, demographic factors, and laptop ownership program