In the context of limited financial resources and capacities, Africa can examine how to better use the opportunities presented by the emergence of free and open source software (FOSS) to leapfrog into the information age and bridge the digital divide through reduced costs and less dependency on imported technology. This paper examines the adoption trends of open source software in Africa and seeks to establish the current global placing of the continent in adoption and use of FOSS. To get a better view of the current FOSS situation in Africa, the study explores the penetration of FOSS into Africa software market and how various Governments react to the use of FOSS. Through scrutiny of literature on adoption and use of open source software in Africa as well as previous and emerging initiatives to promote the use of open source software in the region, the paper presents preliminary findings of the trends observed. Further using the data gathered the paper attempts to forecast the future of FOSS in Africa and the probable implications on the development agenda of the continent.