A Fuzzy Ontological Model for Semantic Interoperability in Distributed Healthcare Information Systems

KIBU Authors

Dr. Patrick Oduor Owoche
Prof. Samuel Mungai Mbuguah


The exchange of patient or care data across heterogeneous health systems is crucial in the modern healthcare ecosystem yet remains daunting. Integration and interoperability in siloed health applications require robust health information exchange (HIE) and a pragmatic ontological model to be successful. This paper details a prototype development endeavor and systematic review of literature that has pioneered the development of a robust, practical, and tested fuzzy ontological model to enhance semantic interoperability in siloed, distributed health systems. Leveraging the tenets, standards, LOINC codes, and developed model from this study will enable robust and flexible data mapping and sharing health data in an environment marred with ambiguities and uncertainties but requiring the sophistry of interoperability.