Today, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies are making waves in the education sector. XR technologies have become key innovation areas in research where new learning tools that create new learning experiences for learners are being developed. These emerging and engaging technologies are fast supplanting textbooks by a large part. The technological capacity to overlay multimedia content virtually in 3D and augmenting objects onto the real world for interaction means that educational content can be availed to students instantly as they require it. Extended reality thus, is poised to enable the fruition of the objectives of competency-based curriculum. In Kenya, the development and implementation of a competency-based curriculum in the education system without the right educational technologies do not guarantee the acquisition of the pre-determined competencies. Hence, the successful implementation of technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality could make the difference. Yet, there is little that has been done to marry the developments in augmented reality or virtual reality and curriculum in Kenya. The objective of this paper was to investigate curriculum content for grade 3 STEM subjects that can be integrated with XR technologies for simulation in regard to competence-based curriculum. The study population comprised of primary level schools in Chesumei SubCounty, Nandi County. A three-stage sampling method was used to arrive at the study sample from a population of 166 schools. The findings from this paper will be used in developing a prototype for XR gaming application in identified areas. These results will benefit actors in the education sectors such as policy makers, curriculum developers,
implementors of CBC and other partners in education. These findings add to the body of literature on the use of
educational technologies.